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Long Road

A Partner In Your Spiritual Journey

With God


Seasons of  Change


About Me

     I hold a Master of Divinity from Tyndale University in pastoral ministry and received master’s level training as a Spiritual Director at Tyndale Seminary and received inner healing training with Healing Care Canada.


     I received my life coach training from the Professional Christian Coaching Institute (PCCI), receive ongoing life coach training, and am pursing certification with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


     As a supervised spiritual director, I am accountable to the Tyndale Association of Spiritual Directors (TASD) and am certified with the Canadian Council of Professional Certification (CCPC Global) as a spiritual director (CSD). Also, I have my own spiritual director, receive regular training and professional development.


     I am a licensed Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.) in communications and electronics and have over 25 years’ of experience in technology and technical leadership.

Photo - Aug 2024 - John Sherren_edited_e

Your Companion During
Seasons of Life Change

Spiritual Direction And Formation

    Regardless of your spiritual heritage, the recovery of classical Christian spiritual traditions is not only essential for your personal growth and health, but that of the   Church too.


    The corporate disciplines of the sacraments, prayer, worship, confession, and scripture reading, including the individuals personal spiritual disciplines, unique spiritual gifts and temperament exist for the welfare of the entire body of Christ.

Restoration Prayer Healing Care

   Restoration prayer: resembles the ancient confessional where the participant renounces any non-Christian spiritual experiences, then prays through the effects of various types of trauma,  sin, rebellion, forgiveness, & ungodly decrees, while proclaiming truths about God and their position in Christ.


Inner healing prayer: an integrative therapeutic approach with a framework that resembles the layers of an onion, each layer representing aspects or levels of emotional and spiritual ill health. The goal of the director is to be an active listener of the Spirit’s work in the directee’s life, helping them identify the underlying causes of their behaviour.

Spiritual Care &
Special Visitations

    I am available virtually or in person to support  clients or groups of clients in the following settings:


  • Worship services and sermon series on related topics.  

  • ​Hospital and nursing home visitations.  

  • ​Group spiritual practices.  

  • Restoration prayer / deliverance sessions 

  • Group discernment training.

  • Inner healing prayer.

  • Myers Briggs personality analysis.  

  • Group Bible studies.                                                                

Life Coaching
Grief and Loss
Group Direction

    Coaching is similar to a partnership of co-equals, one of whom has skills, experience, perspectives, and knowledge that may be useful for the growth of the other party.


​    "Coaches come alongside to guide people through life's challenges and help them move forward with confidence in the midst of life change." ~ Gary Collins


​    In other words, a coach will help you move from where you are in life to where you want to be.

    My approach is a companionship model whereby I will journey with you as you process your pain of loss. Companioning is not about taking away the pain, rather, it is being present with the bereaved.


    Bereavement, grief, and mourning are normal experience. Although they can be traumatic, they can also be transformative.


    I follow Dr. Alan Wolfelt's model whereby companioning the bereaved bears witness to and normalizes the grief journey of the client. Essential to this model...

    Group spiritual direction is intended to be sacred space where you can explore your Christian journey with others and discover what God, by his spirit, is trying to speak into your life while being accompanied by others.


    Here you will share in the joy’s and struggles of you Christian journey by listening to God and one another.


​    Some of the practices you will encounter will include Gospel contemplation, lectio divina, group discernment, visio divina, listening prayer, praying the Psalms, and of course, praying for others.

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